© 2022-2023 - Ghosts CBS Fans is a non-profit fansite, created by a fan for fans of the CBS series Ghosts. We are in no way affiliated with the series or its representatives.
GHOSTSCBSFANS : This is a unofficial site for CBS series GHOSTS, we are in no way affiliated with the series or its representatives. All medias and content found on this website are published only for informational and entertainment purposes on the show and owned by their original creators. If you own anything and do not approve it being shown on this site, please contact us and it will be removed immediately. This not-for-profit site is used to the best of my knowledge, under the “Fair Use” copyright laws.
The Team
GHOSTSCBSFANS is composed of a team of 7 people, an administrator (Stéphanie), an assistant (Rebecca) and writers (Rebecca, Stéphanie, Robin,, Blaze, Peachy, Bryan and Ellie).
Full Team Credits
Stéphanie | Stéphanie is the site’s Creator and Webmaster. Stéphanie builded the whole site and gallery, worked on episode review, character guide, mostly all site’s files and trivia. Stéphanie is also managing comments, managing social medias, partnership, inquiries and more. |
Rebecca | Rebecca is the site’s Assitant, Social Medias Helper and also a Writer. Rebecca is working on character guide (Isaac, Trevor, Sasappis, Thorfinn, Jay and is also helping for guests characters page). Rebecca is also helping for various part of the site and helping creating content for social medias. |
Robin | Robin is a Writer. Robin is working on character guide (Hetty, Flower, Alberta, Pete, Sam and is also helping for guests characters page). |
Blaze | Blaze is a Writer. Blaze is working on guests characters page. |
Peachy | Peachy is a Writer and Helper. |
Ellie | Ellie is a Helper. |
Bryan | Bryan is a Helper/Writer. Bryan is working on episode guide (for episode quotes: Jay’s Friends, The Tree, Halloween, Hello, Dinner Party, Pete’s Wife, Flower’s Article, D&D, Alberta’s Fan, Possession, Sam’s Mom, Jay’s Sister, ) |
Not-In-Team Credits
- Joe (giving us information about the ‘Woodstone Mansion’ history in the Ghosts CBS Fans Facebook Group).
- Deborah has worked on episode guide (for episode summary: Pilot, Hello, D&D).
- Nancy has worked on episode guide (for episode summary: Alberta’s Fan, D&D), character guide (Alberta, Pete).
- Tad has worked on episode reviews.
- Megan has worked on episode guide (for episode summary: Spies).
- Thank you to Lily and Alana, who created and managed the Fan Fiction Area (which is now closed).
- Amy has worked on episode guide (for episode summary: Viking Funeral, Pete’s Wife, Flower’s Article, Possession, Sam’s Mom, Jay’s Sister, The Vault, Ghostwriter, Thorapy,)
- Lisa has worked on episode guide (for episode summary: Attic Girl, Farnsby & B, Halloween, Hello, Dinner Party, Trevor’s Pants, Jay’s Friends, Halloween 2: The Ghost of Hetty’s Past, Dumb Deaths, The Liquor License, The Christmas Spirit, Part One, The Christmas Spirit, Part Two, The Family Business, )