Cookies Policy

This website uses cookies. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website to personalise content and adverts and to analyse our traffic using Google Analytics.

What is a cookie?

A “cookie” is a small file that is stored on your computer’s hard drive and which records your navigation of a website (if you allow) so that, when you revisit that website, it can present tailored options based on the information stored about your last visit. Cookies can also be used to analyse traffic and for advertising and marketing purposes. Cookies are used by nearly all websites and do not harm your system. If you want to check or change what types of cookies you accept, this can usually be altered within your browser settings.

What can cookies do?
  •  Cookies do allow us to remember you, your preferences and information about your visit when you browse the site.
  •  Cookies set by this site do not contain personally indentifiable information.
  •  Cookies belong to specific websites and can not be viewed by other websites.
  •  Cookies do not allow us to access your computer or view your other data.
How can I control cookies

Your browser gives you tools to control which cookies are set and by whom, along with the power to delete any cookies at any time. You can learn more about cookies and your browser’s cookie options at