To which CBS “Ghosts” character does your personality resemble? Follow our steps below to find out!
- First, you will need to take a MBTI* personality test. Don’t worry, it takes about ten minutes! Take the test!
- Second (not obligatory but you can do it if you want to go deeper), make an Enneagram* type test. Take the test!
- Then, visit the Ghosts CBS page at the Personality Database website. You can now see which “Ghosts” character is like you! By browsing a little deeper on this site, you can also see that which celebrities or characters from series/movie/games/… have the same personality as you.
*MBTI stands for Myers Briggs Type Indicator. This is a tool which is frequently used to help individuals understand their own communication preference and how they interact with others.
*The Enneagram is a system of personality which describes people in terms of nine types, each with their own motivations, fears, and internal dynamics.
Feel free to leave a comment to share your result with us! For me, (Stéphanie) unfortunately none of the “Ghosts” characters is like me…
I am not in partnership with the Personality Database website, if the data is not 100% accurate, please refer to the site and contact them for any changes. This article is made for fun.