(Review) 1.11 – Sam’s Mom

This is the episode review dedicated post for ‘Ghosts‘ Episode 11. ghostscbsfans.com team members will be writing a review for this episode in this page.

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  1. Another wonderful episode, quite sad and touching but at the same time funny and brilliant. The ghosts were on their own and so addicted to TV, it was pretty funny. I have to admit I’m very intrigued by the story between Alberta and Pete, I mean… we had a pretty sad and touching story about Pete’s past and he deserves to be happy with such a super woman as Alberta. Nancy made me laugh a lot, I appreciated her interventions and the fact that she wants to take advantage of the situation (who wouldn’t have done the same?) It was so cool to also see all the basement ghosts!! Regarding Sam’s mom, it made me sad for her. But in the end, she was lucky enough to be able to say goodbye to her and to realize that her mother was really proud of her. In the end, I absolutely loved the intervention from Hetty, who acts a bit like a mother to Sam, I really can’t wait to see the development of their relationship!


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