Fanfiction Policies
Content Inclusion Overview
Degrading fanfics/texts that relate to ethnicity, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender, sexual identity will not be added to the site. No porn or erotic fanfiction (Ratings M+); we have some fans who are very young and we want the site to be okay for everyone.
The Ghosts CBS Fanfiction Mod Team reserves the right to not add any given fanfiction submission.
Read more about our fanfiction inclusion rules below.
Character Depictions
Degrading fanfics/texts that relate to ethnicity, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender, sexual identity will not be added to the site.
Depicting Indigenous Characters
In addition to our general Content Inclusion Rules, we will be using guidelines from “How to Tell the Difference” (Oyate, 2000) [PDF Version] to evaluate Native American and Indigenous characters/themes in these fanfictions. Given the anonymous nature of fanfiction and Ghosts’ being an ensemble show, Section M will not be required for a fanfiction to be added to the site. Additionally, story types, as outlined in “I’m Writing a Native Character…Now What?” (Native American and Indigenous Writers Committee, Writer’s Guild of America West, 2021) will be strongly considered. Additional resources for writing Ghosts CBS Fiction and inclusive fanfiction can be found on our Fanfiction Resources page.
Depicting Black Characters
Our Guidelines for writing Black Characters will be strongly considered. Additional resources for writing Ghosts CBS Fiction and inclusive fanfiction can be found on our Fanfiction Resources page.
Depicting LGBTQ+/Queer Characters
Our Guidelines for writing LGBTQ+/Queer Characters will be strongly considered. Particular attention will be paid regarding depictions of Transgender/Nonbinary/Genderqueer characters. Additional resources for writing Ghosts CBS Fiction and inclusive fanfiction can be found on our Fanfiction Resources page.
Other Automatically-Rejected Submissions
Other general types of submissions we will not add to the site include:
- Blog posts and episode reviews. These are not considered fanfiction, rather they are considered opinions/observations on the show. Everyone is entitled to their opinion on the show’s canon, but this isn’t the right place for it.
- Meta-fiction. This refers to nonfiction fannish works, such as essays and explanations behind a creative process. We will likely open a separate page for meta-fiction in the future. Until then, please recommend meta works on Tumblr, Twitter, YouTube, or another blogging venue.
- Fanfictions that are not based on Ghosts CBS. In order for it to be considered Ghosts CBS fic, the characters or universe have to be there somewhere. These works include non-crossover BBC Ghosts fanfictions.
- Monetized works. While we believe creators should be paid for their work, the Ghosts CBS website is not intended to be used as a promotional tool, and we want all potential readers to have equal-access to fanfiction materials.
- Works not published elsewhere. We do not host fanfiction. Please refer to “What websites can I read and/or post fanfiction on?” for places to post fanworks.
- Self-Recommendations. Please refer to “Why fanfiction *recommendations*? Can’t I just send in my own work?”.
Non-English Language Fanfictions
CBS Ghosts Fans values the fanfiction contributions of fans in all languages.
Editorial process for non-English fiction
The following order of preference in how we will solicit non-English language fic reviewers. (On as-needed basis)
- Seek internal CBS Ghosts Fans contributor who is fluent in the fic’s language.
- Solicit external reviewer from CBS Ghosts Fan contributor recommendations who is fluent in the fic’s language.
- Solicit external reviewer from general CBS Ghosts fan community (e.g. Facebook, Twitter).
- Utilize computer-generated translation programs (e.g. Google Translate) to review a translated version of the fic.
Additional Questions?
We are currently in the process of making a ‘Contact Us’ page for all sections of our website. Until then, feel free to reach out to us at with any questions or concerns you may have pertaining to the fanfiction section of our site!